tengah search.. but i don't know what.. tengok blog-blog others. read here, read there. something has caught my eyes. their templates. huh! tu lah yang what i have been doing lately. updating my blogs for your eyes pleasure. so i won't be called boring. am i boring? entri pon dah jadi rojak. right now memang mood tak berapa nak best. masih dalam kepala hotak.. where the heck is my money? damn it! how could i ever lost that much amount? banyak tuu.. 100 hengget. takkan tercicir? it's in my wallet all the time. i even make sure that my wallet was in sight constantly mase shopping kat times square tadi. kepala buntu. hati sedey. feel like crying. but i don't have a shoulder to cry on? sape nak jadik boyfriend i angkat ekor! hehehe (asalnya nak wat lawak but cam tak jadi jee..) even nak main games kat fesbuk pon takdak mood. that's what i always do. playing games. memang game freak. just i takdak game console like ps2 ke, nintendo ke. if i do. probably i won't have the time for either facebook or blogging. heh! blogging has become my new interest now. nanti i update dalam fesbuk profile i. you all leh check-out my facebook. harapan untuk di-approve jadik friend tu tak leh nak cakap. i'm very skeptical about who should be my facebook friend. right now pon lum makan lagi. nasi dah panaskan. lauk pon sama.
tadi mase kat times square sempat gak ronda-ronda kat section baru dalam shopping mall tu. it centre. cam mini low yat la kiranye ni. actually bajet i pegi ts nak carik computer stuff. tapi.. ke lain jadinye. balik umah ade empat helai baju baru dan dua helai seluar baru. camne ni? memang tak leh nak kawal my shopping habit. takot lah. jadi serious shoppaholic lepas ni. huwaaa.... camne nak save duit nih? esok maybe nak pegi tengok wardrobe baru. i really need it though. all my clothes should be hanged, not folded. boleh la i simpan dengan rapi lagi kemas shawl collections i. dah boleh wat kedai. maybe i should open a business. lagi pon i kan suka shopping.. everybody, let's go shopping!
mane duit saya? ade sesiapa nampak tak?
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