Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Ultimate SATISFACTION If...

yeah.. this will be my ultimate satisfaction if on my marriage certificate, Lee Hong Ki is the name of the husband (^3^)
he is just a normal guys doing normal thing.. only the fact that he's a well-known figure. but still, he is just normal~ he pick nose, fart *ok. everyone does that. if not, that person isn't normal*
Ah! this isn't what i want to talk about! haha! i know, i know. obsession i can't live without. seriously, every time someone talk about him like "ohhh~ i love him so much..." his is that, he is this, i tends to get SO damn jealous. feels like they don't deserved to say anything like that. especially when they ARE wayyyyyy younger than him. c'mon guys! he's a man! a GROWN UP man! not some high school kid you can drool like your school mate! he might act like a baby *yeah~ i love when he did that, his specialty >///<* but it doesn't mean he doesn't think his age. when it comes to boys, their minds matured than their looks.
aigoo~ my mind just can't stand it anymore.. *now i'm not sure if i'm ready for a real life relationship (_ _")*


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