Wednesday, May 11, 2011

aww! aww!

okay. this is embarrassing! SO DAMN EMBARRASSING!
it happen today. in fact, just now.
first of all, let say, DON'T sleep like REALLY REALLY sleeping in the bus or you'll end up just like me.
should i post it here?
okay. okay. *miss ai, don't be so dramatic lor~*
okay.. *take a deep breath*
i was kinda tired so i took a nap in the bus on my way home from work.
usually this never happen.
but i don't know why, WHY i was so damn sleepy in the bus.
later, i end up missed my stop.
*err... i don't want to be detailed. too embarrassing here >///////<*
and later, i had to make a quick drop.
okay. the stop was very far from my house. DAMN FAR!
i walk around for 5 minutes to get a taxi.
*why? don't ask!*
now i'm home, eaten my dinner and tries to forget this ever happen!


  1. hahahaha..poor sis..
    i never sleep in the bus coz the bus is always full :(
    hahaha..i have to stand till my stop :D

  2. haha! now i have the phobia of sleeping in the bus! even no matter how sleepy i was! D:
