Huh huh... hari khamis suda... bape jam lagi dah masuk jumaat a.k.a 31 disember 2010 yakni lagi sehari jek nak melangkah ke tahun 2011... alamak! lupe nak pasang azam tahun baru lah! meh, list down dulu...
1) nak kumpul banyak-banyak duit... beribu-ribu lemon
2) nak realisasikan no 1 tadi dengan kurangkan mengikut godaan SETAN DURJANA yang semamangnye suruh aku memBOROS (tapi dalam pale otak dah pikir nak beli beg baru... kasut baru... baju baru ala-ala gossip girl, camne nih?)
3) nak ade boyfren... ooppss... (tak leh ke? jeles pulak aku tengok orang lain ade boyfriend tapi aku nak boyfriend yang boleh jadi my one and only a.k.a soul mate...)
4) nak belaja bahase jepun... orang lain sibuk ngan k-pop (korean) aku still mau jadik jepun. thanks kat diorang sebab jajah negara kita dulu, korang ni not bad jugak.. hehehe~
5) nak jadi orang yang lebih positive... selame ni ko negative ke ija? huhu~ T____T.. meaning tak nak malu tak tentu pasal lagi.. I memang the very shy person you know... dalam blog, dlm fesbuk boleh la ekk, tapi kat luar, tak kenal maka boh layan lah yang I berikan.. except lau that person yang approach I dulu...
6) nak jadik the ultimate otaku (eee... tak de mende lain ke ija?) hehehe... yang ni more kepada berangan jek...
7) nak jadik pekerja yang berdedikasi, cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang... terbilang? maybe tak sesuai kot~ bos, kasi up lah gaji saye tahun baru... aiseh, tak sedor diri baru keje bape bulan dah nak mintak rise... *lempang diri sendiri*
8) nak kelihatan lebih langsing... sekarang dah banyak lite lunch jek... nak skip takut lapar pulak... ade sesekali TERskip jugak... keje banyak kat office... jangan ko sakit pulak lepas ni ija... U tu ade history gastric and major migrain... *remind diri sendiri sebab takde orang yang sudi nak remindkan saye*
9) nak dress up to perfection... baru konpiden nak bekerja... tak gitew?
hehehe... tu antara azam (bajet leh dicapai jekk~) aku yang tak seberape...
arini boley tido lewat and bangun lewat as well sebab esok public holiday. YAY! therefore, saya nak ucapkan beribu-ribu-ribu lemon TAHNIAH and TERIMA KASIH kat pasukan bola sepak Malaysia sebab menang Piala Suzuki semalam kat Indon and disebabkan you all satu Malaysia cuti... tabik spring wat penjaring terbanyak (sory, name U I tak ingat) and of coz, goal keeper yang paling famous sekarang ni, Khairul Fahmi Che Mat sebab dah selamatkan Malaysia (except untuk 2 goal dari Indon tu - tak pe, saya paham) a.k.a Apex. Ingat nak fell in love ngan dia ni but dia dah boleh anggap cam adik jek sebab baru berumur 20 tahun (tuanya aku~ T___T) and suda berpunya (saya doakan you guys berkekalan keh). bila tengok muka KFCM ni teringat kat Zero-Kun aku (tapi still ade banyak perbezaan) and obsession aku pada Zero and Vampire Knight masih belum luntur. Tadi on da way ke office dalam bas aku dok putaq lagu-lagi yang dijadikan theme song untuk Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty. bayangkan dari bustop kat umah sampailah dah sampai kl lagu yang sama diputar. So, lagu tu dah cam melekat dalam kepala otak. tadi mase Puan Boss bagi assignment pon otak cam blur-blur nak pahamkan ape yang nak dibuat sebabnye lagu tu dok bermain lagi walaupun tak dengar time keje... ari ni kat office pon rase cam rilex tak berape ten-sion sebab Big Boss tak de. Next week baru balik. Bile Big Boss ade terase sedikit heavy badan sebab cam kene pakse diri ni wat keje walaupun tak de keje. so dah takde keje wat-wat ade keje sampailah semalam kitorang balik lebih lewat (selang berape minit je) dari Big Boss and Puan Boss.
Big Boss cakap "ai, you all sume tak mau balik ka? cam perli kita ja, kita pulak balik awai dari depa"
"Hehehe... ye la.. nak balik lah ni... tak kuase nak duduk lame-lame kat office. I tak cam U, balik naik alphard. I balik naik bas jek... lain lah kalau I ade boyfriend..." tapi part yang "tak kuase....." tu cakap dalam hati jek...
Ari ni cam teruja jek dengan bola (I bukan hard core fan bola tapi boley la sikit-sikit) and dengan bangganye aku telah klik butang LIKE pada fan page our best goal keeper tu - you all tau sape kan, and become fan dia yang ntah ke berapa ratus ribu ntah. apsal terklik pon tak tau... tadi check out blog gf khairul fahmi sekali, sooo demmm sweetttt and i'm ssooo ssooo jealous... they both looks perfect together... (azam tahun terdahulu nak ade boyfriend chinese-look, pure chinese pon boley maa...*lempang diri sendiri lagi*)
eh eh... jumaat dah? tadi baru je khamis... off lappy, off lampu, zzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Ultimate Obsession: Vampire Knight
minggu ni aku hanye menyebokkan diri aku dengan menonton Vampire Knight sampai lah abis season 2. satuje aku nak komplen. APSAL LAH ENDING UNTUK VK GUILTY (NAME UNTUK SEASON 2) CAMTU??? X PUAS ATI BETOLLAH!
Untuk enri kali ni aku dedikasikan keobsesan aku pada VK sepenuhnye... kalau korang tak mo bace, tak pe lah. ade aku kisah?
(aku cerite dalam bahasa inggeris, harap korang paham)
The story started when the teen Cross Yuuki was assigned by the chairman of Cross Academy to be the prefect of school alongside Kiryuu Zero, a super cool and cold vampire hunter. the Cross Academy was directed by Cross Kaien who was formerly a legendary vampire hunter was the academy divided into shift, Day Class and Night Class. The day Class students wore dark uniforms while the Night Class students wore white uniforms. the only difference between these two classes were all the Night Class students were VAMPIRES! Leaded by pureblood Kuran Kaname, whom also the head dorm of the Moon Dorm, they all lived inside the academy where Cross Kaien hopes to breaks the barrier between vampires and humans. the Day Class students have no any idea about the truth behind the Night Class students instead, they took them as their star sensation, as all these Night Class students looks perfectly beautiful. Kiryuu Zero however doesn't fancy them and even loathe them especially Kuran Kaname because the vampires are the reason why his parents died, which were his parents were also vampire hunters. The reason why he hated Kuran Kaname so much is because Kaname is a pureblood vampire, like the vampire who killed his parents. The pureblood vampires a the most respected vampires of all because they were born naturally as vampires and it's like a the royal of the vampire. Zero also have a deep feeling towards Yuuki because she was the one whom beside him after the incident when Cross Kaien took him into the academy to lived with them. Unfortunately, the real truth about him that he doesn't want Yuuki to know finally revealed-he also a vampire. He thought he could retained himself not to let his biggest dark secret revealed but he failed, because Yuuki knew how much he hated vampires. But Yuuki eventually took him in as more than her normal human friend. She even offered him to drink her blood to restrained his hunger for blood especially when they were close to each others. Zero also told Yuuki how he ended up as a vampire, by been bitten by Hiou Shizuka, a pureblood whom killed his parents. Shizuka gave her blood to Zero when he was younger and turned him into a vampire. Shizuka also let Zero's twin brother Ichiru tag along with her when Zero forced him not to. The reason is Ichiru was weak and not as strong as Zero. It's also a taboo for the vampire hunter family to have a twin. Therefore Ichiru felt he wasn't needed and couldn't be as perfect as Zero and found Shizuka outside their house and asked her if he could stay with her. Yuuki pitifulness drove them even more closer but she cannot denied her feelings towards Kuran Kaname either. Meanwhile Kuran Kaname has other plan for Yuuki, to protect her from the most evil vampire, the who killed his parents, Kuran Rido who also brother to Kaname's father, Haruka. Alongside his friends at the academy, Ichijou Takuma, Aido Hanabusa, Souen Ruka, Kain Akatsuki, Shiki Senri, Toya Rima and also Seirin teamed up to face Rido but first, they all had to faced the returned of Hiou Shizuka, in the form of Kurenai Maria. Zero knew her returned is for him because technically she was his master since she's the one who responsible of turning him into a vampire. Zero who is in the edge of turning into level E of vampire had been told by Kaname that only Shizuka can help him to prevented him turning into Level E, by drinking her blood. Yuuki also knew about it faced Shizuka alone to beg her to save Zero. Shizuka agreed with condition, she wants Yuuki's sacrifice also Kaname's. Yuuki would do it but to take Kaname's life was over the top for her. Unfortunately for Shizuka, Kaname already knew her attention and killed her with his own hand before Zero could drink her blood. However, when Zero was being prison because he couldn't controlled himself anymore, Kaname came to him and offered his blood which also contained Shizuka's blood when he drank her blood during the time he killed her. the reason he did that because he doesn't want Yuuki get hurt when she saw the horrible changes in Zero. And he also needed Zero to kill Rido because Zero is the only one who could do it.
The saga continued when the day of Rido's revival finally arrived. Also as a starter, Kuran Rido used Shiki Senri's body to get closed to Yuuki. Yuuki also in dilemma about her past tried to seek the truth about her ten years ago but failed until she seek Kaname to tell her truth because she knew he knew about it. It was also the returning of Yuuki as who she really was- a pureblood Kuran Yuuki. Kaname told about how she doesn't remembered anything about ten years was because her mother Juuri has erased her memory as a vampire and turned her into a normal human child to prevented Rido for taking her life. Juuri also asked Cross Kaien to take care of her until her time to return to her real self came. To enable for Yuuki to remember back her past, she has to let Kaname changed her back into vampire. Thus, from there she also found out that Kaname was actually her own brother. But Kaname's feeling toward Yuuki was more that the love of brother, he wanted Yuuki to be his lover. And that's really shocked Zero, the real about Yuuki as pureblood when he promised to himself that he will kill any pureblood and Kaname's real feeling for Yuuki. He also realized that Yuuki would choose Kaname over him bacause he is a vampire hunter who has swore to kill vampire. When Rido finally awaken, the real battle began. Zero whom regained his power from Ichiru who had died for him that they has finally became one eventually killed Rido. In the end, Kaname decided that it's time for him to leave Cross Academy and he asked Yuuki whether she wanted to came with him or not. Yuuki was still in doubt because she has lived in the academy for so long and if she leaves Cross Academy meaning she will leaving Zero too. A part of her doesn't want to leave him but a part of her felt she belonged to Kaname. When si decided to say good bye to the academy, she met Zero for the last time. She also told Zero about the promised they made before, if Zero fallen to level E, she would killed him with the gun he provided to her but now everything was the other way round, it was Zero who would killed Yuuki (because she's a vampire) and Yuuki told him she would wait for that day to come.
A purelood vampire who has swore to protect Yuuki in any way possible. Also the head Moon Dorm at Cross Academy and leader of Night Class. Abilities: breaking things into pieces with his mind.
A pureblood vampire who been erased her memory by her mother to protect her from Rido. When she lived inside Cross Academy she was very close to Kiryuu Zero and even took Zero as he is - a vampire made by Hiou Shizuka and even gave her blood to him to control his desires for blood. She has deepest feeling for Kaname who she thought as her guardian angel but she also have feeling for Zero. Weapon: Artemis, a stick also blade made for anti-vampire weapon.
A vampire hunter who turned into a vampire himself by Hiou Shizuka. Swore to himself that he will kill all the vampires especially the pureblood (who responsible for his parents death) and eventually know about the truth about Yuuki, the girl he loved and cherished so much who also a pureblood vampire. Weapon: A gun he named Bloody Rose designed to kill vampires.
The chairman of Cross Academy. a former legendary vampire hunter who wanted to bring peace and unity between vampires and human by opening the academy. Took Yuuki (as he promised to Juuri) as his own daughter and also Zero to make his dreams come true. Also made a deal with Kaname so that the vampires would not randomly attacks human for blood. Weapon: a sword
The pureblood who killed Zero's parents for the reason killing her human lover because Zero parents whom also vampire hunters thought that her human lover has turn into level E and put him in their list. She also the one who turned Zero into vampire.
Hiou Shizuka's vessel body. Shizuka used Maria's body to get into Cross Academy and also to get close to Zero so that she will made Zero begged for her to save his life but been killed by Kaname.
Childhood friend of Kaname who wanted to hate himself for liking Kaname as his friend. The most idolized Night Class student by the Day Class students and think that he's a really superstar. Ability: to freeze anything into ice.
Kaname's best friend and also vise dorm leader at Moon Dorm, Cross Academy. His grandfather is the president of the Elder Council of vampires and always thought that his grandfather is wrong about Kaname's attention. Ability: To conducted destruction.
Have a feeling for Kaname but she knew that Kaname's love is always for Yuuki. Ability: To compelled and controlled people with a glance of her eyes.
One of the follower of Kuran Kaname.
Ability: To create fire
Have a day job as part time model along with Rima. His body being used by Rido. Ability: Create a bloody string from his finger.
Couple to Senri. Also had a day job as a model.
Seeking his revenge to kill kaname and also to take Yuuki's blood so that he can fully revived. Had different color on each eyes.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
sedutan seminggu...
dalam minggu ni macam-macam benda aku wat.. sumenye adelah lah untuk kepuasan diri sendiri, bukannya untuk orang lain. aku takdak mase nak puaskan hati orang lain sedangkan hati sendiri pon tak puas. (don't think yellow okeh!)
minggu ni agak bz di opis. l.o.d masuk melambak time hari nak menjengah ke ujung minggu (ate memang betol lah bank nih!) saman pon membuatkan aku tak menang tangan. bulan lepas free jek.. bulan ni heavy jekk... siap lah sape yang tak bayar loan kete.. anda adalah dengan ini disaman... (saya yang menurut perintah!)
minggu ni ingat nak abis tengok dvd gossip girl yang aku beli bulan lepas. ade baki tiga disk lagi. tapi tak tersempat jugak... balik umah dah pukul bape? penat, tired, lemah tenaga (bukan batin, saya belum kahwin lagi) malas nak pasang disk. tapi, yang rajinnye pulak bukak youtube tengok anime jepun. minggu ni dua anime aku tengok. dua-dua best dah highly recommended. tajuk pertama diberi nama Highschool Of The Dead (HOTD). giler best (ade maksud tersirat) anime ni. tapi, nak diingatkan, kalau korang rase anime ni melampau (aku pon rase cam tu jugak) & tak patut ditengok, so toksah lah korang tengok. hanye orang yang dapat menahan mata dan hati je mampu untuk bertahan tengok. pasalnye anime di tersangat lah gorenye and full of ermm... korang tengok baru korang tahu. tajuk kedua diberi nama Vampire Knight (VK). ni lagi giler best punye anime. sesape yang minat genre dark, romance dan vampire (of cos!) silalah tengok citer ni. terbaik selepas Trinity Blood dan Blood +. sekarang masih lagi dalam penghayatan citer ni.. aku dah jadik obses sampai aku putarkan lagi theme dia tanpa henti. sebab lagu ending theme dia tersangat lah beautiful yet creepy & scary.
disebabkan keobsesan yang melampau ni jugak lah aku tukaq balik name aku kat fesbuk dengan name jepun aku dulu (aku rakyat jepun tak bertauliah) siap ngan profile picture tak leh blah dari VK. ingat nak bubuh gambar yang agak intimate tapi karang kawan-kawan aku cakap aku ni gile jadah pulak.
oleh sebab aku ternyata sangat lah bz sekarang dan hari-hari berikutnye, blog ini akan kurang dengan update sehinggalah obsesi aku berakhir (tu tak tau bila)
oh ye.. semalam aku pi tengok Hantu Kak Limah Balik Kampung kat TGV jusco cheras selatan sama member poli aku. giler klaka muvi ni. siap selit hantu betul gitew... kepada Hassan Mutalib, semoga berjaya dengan muzikal zombie anda yang akan direleasekan ntah bila..
minggu ni agak bz di opis. l.o.d masuk melambak time hari nak menjengah ke ujung minggu (ate memang betol lah bank nih!) saman pon membuatkan aku tak menang tangan. bulan lepas free jek.. bulan ni heavy jekk... siap lah sape yang tak bayar loan kete.. anda adalah dengan ini disaman... (saya yang menurut perintah!)
minggu ni ingat nak abis tengok dvd gossip girl yang aku beli bulan lepas. ade baki tiga disk lagi. tapi tak tersempat jugak... balik umah dah pukul bape? penat, tired, lemah tenaga (bukan batin, saya belum kahwin lagi) malas nak pasang disk. tapi, yang rajinnye pulak bukak youtube tengok anime jepun. minggu ni dua anime aku tengok. dua-dua best dah highly recommended. tajuk pertama diberi nama Highschool Of The Dead (HOTD). giler best (ade maksud tersirat) anime ni. tapi, nak diingatkan, kalau korang rase anime ni melampau (aku pon rase cam tu jugak) & tak patut ditengok, so toksah lah korang tengok. hanye orang yang dapat menahan mata dan hati je mampu untuk bertahan tengok. pasalnye anime di tersangat lah gorenye and full of ermm... korang tengok baru korang tahu. tajuk kedua diberi nama Vampire Knight (VK). ni lagi giler best punye anime. sesape yang minat genre dark, romance dan vampire (of cos!) silalah tengok citer ni. terbaik selepas Trinity Blood dan Blood +. sekarang masih lagi dalam penghayatan citer ni.. aku dah jadik obses sampai aku putarkan lagi theme dia tanpa henti. sebab lagu ending theme dia tersangat lah beautiful yet creepy & scary.
disebabkan keobsesan yang melampau ni jugak lah aku tukaq balik name aku kat fesbuk dengan name jepun aku dulu (aku rakyat jepun tak bertauliah) siap ngan profile picture tak leh blah dari VK. ingat nak bubuh gambar yang agak intimate tapi karang kawan-kawan aku cakap aku ni gile jadah pulak.
oleh sebab aku ternyata sangat lah bz sekarang dan hari-hari berikutnye, blog ini akan kurang dengan update sehinggalah obsesi aku berakhir (tu tak tau bila)
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saksikan zombie-zombie disepak-terajang oleh awek-awek yang seksi |
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saksikan pertarungan muktahir antara manusia-pontianak-separuh pontianak separuh manusia dalam menegakkan kebebasan dan cinta |
Sunday, December 12, 2010
dah bersemak suda~
lame nye tk update blog. biasak lah, orang bekerjaya cam aku ni bz memanjang. pegi meeting tu, conference ni, seminar tu, gathering ni.. senang citer memang sebok tak hengat lah! *sengaja ija ni carik nahas, cakap jelah malas nak update pastu takdak idea nak tulis pa*
minggu ni cam giler sket. last week pon same. last week minggu dapat gaji. so aku kene pergi settle kan gaji yang dibayaq menggunakan cheque sebabnye aku takdak akaun ambank. masuk ni dah tiga bank account aku ade.. *wahh~ bunyik cam kaya-raya jek ija ni, sampai 3 bank account*. keje baru, akaun baru. lepas neh lau aku tukaq keje lagi, tak tau lah depa pakai bank ape pulak.
cuti maal hijrah selase lalu aku telah berhijrah. tapi tak lame. dari pagi dalam kul 9 pagi sampai kul 6 petang jek. berhijrah ke kota metropolitan kl... tujuannye: pada asalnye nak jumper member tempat keje lame. dah sebulan tak jumper. nak lepas rindu kate orang.. malam isnin tu aku tanye lah dia esok ade plan ape-ape tak. kebetulan pulak dia nak pi ronda kl, aku pon nak join sekaki lah jugak. aku pon kebetulannya nak pi transfer duit dari ambank ke mybank. dah alang-alang keluar tu, aku teruskan perjalanan aku ke lrt cempaka. aku turun kat masjid jamek, seperti yang kitorang dah deal malam tadinye. member aku ni orang kelate. kecil molek jek orangnye. dia cakap makcik dia pon nak join sekaki dalam ekspidisi kitorang tawaf jalan t.a.r. aku tak kesah asalkan jangan lah depa lame sangat join kitorang.. [selfishnye] sebab plan aku nak kuar ngan member aku jek. tak termasuk pakej famili. hari tu kitorang masuk semua house, pi borong tudung kat muaz tekstile [aku tak borong, rembat barang satu dua ja, rombongan kelate ni yang memang pakat borong. lau boleh nak beli satu kedai], pastu pi kat area arked masjid india. borong sakan lagi rombongan kelate ni. kalau nak dikire-kirekan, ade lebih sepuluh helai tudung diborong oleh makcik member aku neh. katenye leh wat niaga kat kampung. bagus pemikiran orang kelate. pemikiran bisnes. kuase membeli pon tinggi. aku tengok ja suda. dah puas tawaf jalan t.a.r, depa pon pakat nak balik. aku pon dalam hati "alhandulillah... akhirnye, beransur jugak" lepas depa blah, kitorang pi makan kat pertama kompleks. dah tu pi solat jap kat surau dalam pertama pastu pakat round sogo jap before balik. dalam kul 4.30 kitorang pon pakat bersurai. heh, ni part yang best... patutnye aku dah naik lrt tu teruih je lah balik, ni tak, sempat lagi tu nak singgah times square! kononnye nak pi tengok buku kat borders. tengok memang tengok, tapi duit jalan jugak. aku pon telah membzirkan duit membeli notebook yang harganye RM13.90. mulanye nak beli buku baru yang dah lame tertangguh tapi teringat ade buku yang belum abis bace, niat tu aku tangguhkan sekali lagi. ari tu jugak dua kali aku withdraw duit... dah namenye ade tiga bank account~ *patutnye maal hijrah bermuhasabah diri bukannye bershopping sakan.. ija, bertaubatlah...*
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orang gila borong tudung kat muaz |
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borong baju suda |
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borong tudung lagi |
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anda nampak gadis bertudung hijau di depan itu? tu lah member teman |
perkara yang berlaku minggu ni jugak adelah transformasi (bukan kerajaan) interior rumah aku. makcik aku dah niat abis nak tukaq tikar getah dia yang dah koyak rabak ni secepat mungkin. pasai apa? akceli, satu rumah ni dah diserang pijat. abis badan aku dibuat taman mainan dek pijat celaka ni. dia cakap pijat ni dok dalam tilam. aku pon telah diberi arahan untuk membeli tilam baru untuk menggantikan tilam yang aku pakai yang telah pon menganjak usianye lebih sepuloh tahun. lame dowh~ tapi aku beli tilam murah ja, pasainye takdak dalam bajet aku untuk bulan ni untuk beli tilam baru tapi apabila ia merupakan arahan pihak berkuasa, aku terpaksa akur. baru petang tadi selesai suda sesi menukaq kesemua tikaq getah [kecuali dapur].
erm~ ape lagi yek nak story? hah, tadi baru bayaq bil internet, so jap lagi aku nak bukak youtube tengok anime feveret aku pulak.
esok lusa aku bukak citer lain pulak yek. ti korang bosan pulak tak dengaq citer aku *bajet cam femes sangat ija neh~ tampar diri sendiri*
Sunday, December 5, 2010
mood : bercampur aduk
hmm~ ari ni ahad, cuti. esok isnin keje. luse selasa cuti balik. tulat rabu keje balik. penat la cam ni weii~ demm...
kan bagus lau direct 3 hari. tapi, bila dipikir-pikirkan, tak boleh. sebabnye, gaji i tak masuk lagi. huwaaa!! celaka sungguh! kebarangkalian salary aku clear esok. ESOK???!!! tak patut lah! korang tengok dah berapa haribulan ni? orang lain sedang syok bershopping sakan kat SOGO, JJ (dah lah JJ tengah SALE) aku? masih terumbang ambing dengan duit dalam poket yang tak seberapa. huhuhuhuhu~ sedey giler babas nih~
but once salary aku dah clear, aku nak start wat budget untuk next year. jangan ingat Malaysia jek ade Bajet 2011, aku pon ade tau. aku dah berangan nak beli handphone baru. less canggih but more better. aikk? camne tu? nanti-nanti lah aku story. sekarang dah balik umah, internet connection dah okeh, kira dah bagus lah tu...
sekali lagi aku rasekan diri aku sedang merepek lagi. so, aku blah dulu. chiow!
ex hometown
macam tak percaya. aku telah pulang semula. tapi kejap jek. ex hometown aku. SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR. kat sini memang banyak kenangan yang susah nak lupe. aku dok sini dari aku tadika sampai la form two. kira lame lah tu. sesekali datang, macam-macam perubahan aku tengok. dulu jalan kecik. sempit. sekarang dah besar. lebar. dulu sekolah rendah aku kaler putih. sekarang dah kaler merah (merahh??) dulu aku melintas jalan pi sekolah pakai pedestrian. sekarang ade jejambat. dulu depan umah aku takdak seven-e. sekarang dah ada. haish! pendek kate macam-macam dah ade dibanding kan dengan dulu.
aku pon selalu mimpikan ex hometown aku. umah lame aku. padang tempat aku selalu main, bercanda, bersuka ria. oh, penah sekali kaki aku tersnagkut kat pokok. mase tu aku dalam darjah 3 - 4 gitew. dah tak hengat. sampai member seperjuangan aku terpaksa panggil mak aku tolong turunkan aku yang dok tersangkut sebelah kaki kat pokok. aku punye melalak toksah cerita lah. kaki tak sakit tapi ade kesan geseran ngan kulit pokok yang sedia maklum memang tak licin. kalau kulit pokok tu licin cam muka siti nurhaliza, dah lame aku leh lepas dari celah pokok tu. biaselah mase tu budak. perangai nauzubillah. paham-paham je lah.
bile dah masuk sekolah menengah, aku dah jadik cam anti-social sket. social kat sekolah jek. kat umah memerap. dok dalam bilik berjam-jam buat hal sendiri. pastu mase yang selebihnye dok depan tv. kalau cuti sabtu ahad memang tv tu 24 hours milik mutlak aku. ayah aku nak tengok citer lain pon tak leh. duu family aku pakai saluran berbayar yang dipanggil mega tv. time tu astro tak wujud lagi. mega tv nih same cam astro. sume ade. kartun, news, movies. sume adelah. feveret channel aku mase budak mestilah cartoon network. 24 jam kartun memanjang. sampai ayah aku tegur asyik tengok kartun jek. aku jawab lah "boleh belajar english sekali", bagus tak jawapan aku? heh~
bile dah besar sket aku banyak tengok channel axn. sebab mase tu tengahari ngan petang ade cartoon jepun a.k.a anime. time tu memang aku gile tengok anime. Samurai X. You are Under Arrest, Fushigii Yugii (Curious Play). banyak lah anime best-best. time ni channel animax tak wujud lagi. so balik sekolah jek aku terus mengadap tv. makan pon depan tv. dah tak nampak dah meja makan tu lagi.
mase aku dok kat sini aku selalu main games console. tapi bukanlah console yang canggih manggih cam x-box ke, playstation ke. takat nintendo korok zaman tok kadok jek. alah console yang pakai tape tu. aku selalu main super mario. yang ni selalu lawan ngan ayah aku sape yang dapat higher scorer. aku akan pilih mario ayah aku adik mario yang kaler ijau tu. ape ke name dia aku dah lupe. games lain yang aku main cam super tanks, donkeykong, golf, motor racing. banyak gak tapi name dah lupe. aku suka beli tape yang ade 99 in 1 games.
perkara yang paling aku suka wat kat hometown aku ni ialah pi KFC. KFC tu depan rumah. so bile aku teringin nak makan KFC aku akan mintak duit kat mak aku, pi naik basikal ke KFC tu. biasenye aku beli zinger burger. ayam pon ade tapi jarang. satu lagi perkara yang aku suka wat ialah aktiviti melawat kedai. feveret? kedai yang ade jual majalah dan komik & kedai stationery. dari sini aku pupuk minat baru iaitu membeli komik. komik feveret : Sailormoon. collection tak lengkap tapi boleh kira banyak jugak lah volume yang ada. komik lain : GTO a.k.a Great Teacher Onizuka. alah yang citer nye ade kat tv dulu. pelakon nye Takashi Sorimachi tu... tapi version komik GTO ni lebih kepada adult content berbanding ngan drama tv nye. part tu korang paham-paham lah yek. tapi aku tak kumpul abis komik nye sebab dalam pertengahan pengumpulan, aku pon berpindah. kat jb pulak time tu aku tak tau nak carik kat ne komik-komik ni. so terbengkalai lah collection aku. pasal kedai stationery pulak, aku suka beli pen kaler-kaler. aku kan kreatif. pade korang yang mengenali Natasha Azereen Nasaruddin, dia tau maksud "kreatif" aku ni. tapi hobby kumpul pen kaler-kaler ni aku pick up dari classmate aku mase form 2 iaitu, Nurul Zakiah Rustam Afandi a.k.a. Lun. Lun, ko memang lah. dah banyak collection pen kaler-kaler aku. tapi hobby ni mase sekolah jek. mase kat poli pon ade tapi advance sket. more to collection art tools. budak fashion. kene ade macam-macam art tools untuk sketching. barang jahit pon kene ade gak. tapi bile dipikir-pikirkan cam rase rugi pulak aku tak wat graphic course first choice aku. aku tengok budak-budak graphic cam cool jek. sempoi tapi gile-gile.
hahaha.. nampaknye aku dah merepek jauh dari tajuk entri nih~ apasal pegi ke poli pulak dah? ija-ija.. makin lame makin merepek la ko ni... bahana tengok drama banyak. tapi ni lah citer aku serba sedikit pasal ex hometown aku. memang susah aku nak lupe kan sampai terbawak-bawak dalam mimpi. bile aku flashback balik mimpi tu aku terasa cam deja vu. semuanye sejibik cam dalam mimpi. maybe aku akan pulang semula ke sini? sape tau?
kah kah kah... apesal aku gelak? aku pon tak tau. tetibe rase nak gelak.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
aku baru jek pas edit blog. lagipon nak up date sekali. mesti nak tau apesal nama g g ek? name tu datang setelah aku bagai nak gile pikir name baru untuk blog aku ni. sebabnye sekarang ni tengah gila tengok gg. menatang ape pulak gg tu? jeng jeng jeng... gg singkatan untuk gossip girl. alah citer drama yang aku dok citer kat entry aku yang lepas tu. sampai ringtone henpon aku pon aku cilok lagu opening citer tu. perghh.. punye kipas-susah-mati a.k.a. die hard fan lah aku nih. nak nak pulak minggu lepas aku telah meng-risiko-kan duit dalam akaun aku dengan membeli dvd citer gossip girl season one tatkala duit dah tinggal ciput pastu gaji lum dapat lagi. aku pulak dah tekad nak beli season 2 bile dapat gaji nanti. pulak tu aku cam dah ter-promise kat orang yang jual dvd tu yang aku akan beli lagi. haishh..
dalam minggu lepas gak aku terserempak ngan orang yang jual-jual tudung kat tesco extra cheras (yang asalnye dulu makro cheras). mase aku dok belek-belek selendang yang boleh tahan mahal harganya kat kiosk tu, aku terjumpe lah selendang yang di chop perkataan gossip girl. aku rase cam nak menjerit jek kat situ. aku cakap ngan diri aku, 'it's a steal!" tapi aku takdak niat nak curik lah. sebabnye aku jarang beli selendang kebelakangan ni. pulak tu ade tulis gossip girl. show feveret aku nih! aku pikir lebih 10 kali nak beli ke tak nak beli. last-last aku beli gak.. masuk ni dah dua kali aku pakai selendang tu.
akhir kata aku harap korang tak terkejut bile tengok tajuk blog aku dah lain. tajuk jek lain. yang lain still sama. aku pon still aku lagi.
sebenarnye aku nak letak name lain yang aku pikir nak cilok dari tagline bank tapi takot kene saman pulak nanti.
dalam minggu lepas gak aku terserempak ngan orang yang jual-jual tudung kat tesco extra cheras (yang asalnye dulu makro cheras). mase aku dok belek-belek selendang yang boleh tahan mahal harganya kat kiosk tu, aku terjumpe lah selendang yang di chop perkataan gossip girl. aku rase cam nak menjerit jek kat situ. aku cakap ngan diri aku, 'it's a steal!" tapi aku takdak niat nak curik lah. sebabnye aku jarang beli selendang kebelakangan ni. pulak tu ade tulis gossip girl. show feveret aku nih! aku pikir lebih 10 kali nak beli ke tak nak beli. last-last aku beli gak.. masuk ni dah dua kali aku pakai selendang tu.
akhir kata aku harap korang tak terkejut bile tengok tajuk blog aku dah lain. tajuk jek lain. yang lain still sama. aku pon still aku lagi.
sebenarnye aku nak letak name lain yang aku pikir nak cilok dari tagline bank tapi takot kene saman pulak nanti.
bosan atau bliss?
dua tiga hari ni memang lah tak tau nak kata apa. aku pi keja cam tak pi keja. pasal apa? jeng jeng jeng... bos tak masuk. yang hak perempuan outstation tak bape jauh dari kl tapi still leh dikatakan jauh. yang hak lelaki pulak ade meeting tak sudah-sudah tapi dalam area klang valley. cume dia tak masuk office jek. so, aku ngan colleague aku dok melenggang kat dalam opis. tak tau ape nak wat. ade staff baru masuk 1 haribulan. tapi bos takdak so kitorang tak tau apa nak bagi dia wat keja. last-last dia dok melangut dari dia masuk keja kul 8.30 sampai la balik kul 6.30. takdak wat apa. aku rase mau dia nak resigned pasni. tak dak keja. yang dia pon tak sayang kat keja lama dia? dah 5 tahun keja kat company lama, gaji dah sedap, sekali masuk kat firm ni, jadik lagu ni. tapi aku tak kesah sangat janji saturday aku cuti. itu very the importante.
satu lagi nak habaq mai. aku tengah tension yang cukup lah lengkap asam garam, rempah-ratus nya. pasal apa? pasal gaji tak dapat lagi lah! la ni dah berapa haribulan? duit tak masyuk-masyuk lagi! camna aku nak pi shopping nih? jj tengah sale. sogo pon sama (tapi aku tak penah pi sale sogo kecuali mase aku budak-budak dulu). ni yang nak wat aku nangis campuq hangin. haish!
dah la. aku tak mau merepek lagi. ni pon sebab dah lama tak up date blog. so, di akhir kata ini, aku tujukan lagu 'The Pretty Reckless - Make Me Wanna Die' kat korang dengan ucapan, adios amigos.. lagu ni, korang cariklah kat youtube. mesti korang suka punya.. ;))
you all hadap lah lyric lagu nih yek..
The Pretty Reckless - Make Me Wanna Die
take me im alive never was a girl with a wicked mind but
everything looks better when the sun goes down i had everything
oppertunities for eternity and i could belong to the night,
your eyes, your eyes, i can see in your eyes, your eyes, you
makes me want to die i'll never be good enough you make me wanna
die and everything you love will burn up in the light and everytime
i look inside your eyes you make me wanna die.
taste me drink my soul show me all the things that i
shoiuldn't know when there's a new moon on the rise
i had everything oppertunities for eternity and i could belong to the night
your eyes, your eyes, i can see in your eyes, your eyes everything
in your eyes, your eyes you make mewanna die i'll never be good
enough you make me wanna die and everything you love will burn
up in the light and everytime i look inside your eyes (im buring in the light) make me wanna die
I will die for you my love my love,
i will lie for you my love my love (make me wanna die),
i will steal for you my love my love ( make me wanna die),
i will die for you my love my love,
will burn up in the light and everytime
i look inside your eyes (im burning in the light)
look inside your eyes ( burning in the) look inside
satu lagi nak habaq mai. aku tengah tension yang cukup lah lengkap asam garam, rempah-ratus nya. pasal apa? pasal gaji tak dapat lagi lah! la ni dah berapa haribulan? duit tak masyuk-masyuk lagi! camna aku nak pi shopping nih? jj tengah sale. sogo pon sama (tapi aku tak penah pi sale sogo kecuali mase aku budak-budak dulu). ni yang nak wat aku nangis campuq hangin. haish!
dah la. aku tak mau merepek lagi. ni pon sebab dah lama tak up date blog. so, di akhir kata ini, aku tujukan lagu 'The Pretty Reckless - Make Me Wanna Die' kat korang dengan ucapan, adios amigos.. lagu ni, korang cariklah kat youtube. mesti korang suka punya.. ;))
you all hadap lah lyric lagu nih yek..
The Pretty Reckless - Make Me Wanna Die
take me im alive never was a girl with a wicked mind but
everything looks better when the sun goes down i had everything
oppertunities for eternity and i could belong to the night,
your eyes, your eyes, i can see in your eyes, your eyes, you
makes me want to die i'll never be good enough you make me wanna
die and everything you love will burn up in the light and everytime
i look inside your eyes you make me wanna die.
taste me drink my soul show me all the things that i
shoiuldn't know when there's a new moon on the rise
i had everything oppertunities for eternity and i could belong to the night
your eyes, your eyes, i can see in your eyes, your eyes everything
in your eyes, your eyes you make mewanna die i'll never be good
enough you make me wanna die and everything you love will burn
up in the light and everytime i look inside your eyes (im buring in the light) make me wanna die
I will die for you my love my love,
i will lie for you my love my love (make me wanna die),
i will steal for you my love my love ( make me wanna die),
i will die for you my love my love,
will burn up in the light and everytime
i look inside your eyes (im burning in the light)
look inside your eyes ( burning in the) look inside
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