mood : okay... i think.
music : screw radio 120419 with kazuki (screw), riuki (velbet) & aoi (the gazette)
kombanwa minna.
ne... lame juga beta tidak mencemar duli di sini. bagaimanakah rakyat beta semua? sihat belaka? Alhamudulillah.
hmm... many things happen to me lately. i bukan tak mo menulis kat sini. just things has become so mixed up, i don't know how to face it.
okay! memule skali, i akan benti keje.
AKHIRNYA! i dapat keje baru lah. starts this may. kat ne? doko? doko? fufufu~ kat
UNIQLO. u ols tau tak ape kebende nye Uniqlo nih? haaa... clothing brand yang membawa tag line,
" FROM TOKYO TO KUALA LUMPUR " if u ols perasan lah! position yang i dapat is retail associates. to me, that position is like buat sales lah. but i took it. why? naze? sebab i nak tau camne keje sales. mase interview aritu, the person in charge tu cakap, uniqlo tak same cam brand lain. even work environment pon lain. okay. i nak tengok camne nanti. Uniqlo is one Japanese clothing brand yang sedang berkembang kat mesia nih. so far ade 3 store kat area klang valey, One Utama, Fahrenheit 88 ngan KLCC. soon to be open kat Mid Valley. yesterday i round mid jap ade jumpe store yang soon-to-be-open tu. actually, i memang tak jangke akan diterima bekerja kat Uniqlo based on that interview. Interview tu pon i rase cam sempoi habis pastu dengan i yang tak berapa ready and prepared nye terus interview. tu pon buat mase i ngan ai chan pegi jobstreet career fair. ehhhhhh~~~ matte matte!!
AI CHAN?!?! ne! desho ne! ai chan is my new friend! she is someone who understood myself so well.we met at tumblr. and we been so cliqued ever since. dah twice kitorang jumpe. and we shared same dream. JAPAN. kitorang bercadang untuk moved to Japan after this. tadi i tengok tv apsal life Yuna kat L.A. to me, she's very inspiring. she's willing to sacrifice and leave her family back in malaysia to full fill her dream and ambition as professional musician. so now, i'm so inspired to make my dreams come true. and that is living in japan and open my own shop there. why there? i'll tell you later. but lately, i had an emotional roller coaster. to the part i was thinking erm... maybe u ols akan kate, "what the FUCK?!" but yeah... i do think about it, most of the time... the deadly thoughts. or should i say, suicidal thoughts. fyi, tak sume yang i gambarkan tentang diri i kat blog nih adelah diri i yang sepenuhnye. ade certain part of myself yang u ols tak tau. but lau u ols nak tau more, leh ke tumblr blog i. click jek tumblr link 2. tu personal blog i yang kedua. tapi lately i banyak membuang mase kat situ. okay, enough about that. sambung pasal uniqlo tadi. sou... memang i tak sangka akan dapat. i ade drop banyak CV i kat employers yang i rase ade potensi untuk hire i. and lepas career fair tu memangi ade dapat few offers. salah satu yang membuatkan i amat sukar buat keputusan untuk memilih offers yang di-offer-kan pada i ialah from
DNP Clothing. the position offered was fashion coordinator. sounds interesting right? but they said that the job scope almost as retail associates. it's field work (meaning not in the office) ne minna, dua company ni (DNP & Uniqlo) adelah joint ventured companies. but in the end i choose Uniqlo sebab first, it's basically a Japanese company. second, i memang gila everything about Japan. third, i memang tak tau nape i tetap pilih uniqlo. cam there's something about this company yang membuatkan i sangat curious and ntah lah... susah yang explain. even ai chan cakap yang i nih suke giler kat uniqlo. maybe... fufufu~ the truth is, i tak penah pon shopping kat uniqlo. i penah skali jek pegi store dia kat Fahrenheit 88. baju-baju dia sume lawa-lawa belaka cume... fulusnye i yang tak berapa nak ade... price diorang not bad gak. hmm... adelah on that one point, i rase cam drastic sangat perubahan yang i nak buat and i fikir yang betul ke ape yang i buat nih? i akan benti keje and keje kat tempat baru. two years keje kat firm tu memang banyak benda i gained but one thing is... i tak boleh dah nak duduk kat firm tu. keje yang i buat tu memang out of my field and sampai sekarang, i dah lupe banyak benda pasal fashion sebab i tak de mase nak wat benda yang fashion-related. pastu i started thinking... the longer i stay here... the more i become oblivious about what i used to loved. and i want to go back to the path i should be long time a go. i tak nak all the sweat, money and everything i learned kat poli dulu going to waste anymore. tu pasal lah bila Uniqlo called me, i terus teruja and terima offer tu. i fikir, tak kisah lah retail associates pon asalkan it had to do with fashion. and i pikir actually retail had to do with fashion. maybe i akan belajar selok belok perniagaan, how to interact with customers, how to boost sales. sebab i cite cite i nak bukak boutique sendiri and this might be crucial. pastu tak sangka pulak lepas i dapat call dari Uniqlo, few more offers comes to me. one of it is DNP lah. about other offers. tak yah la citer. i nak bagitau yang penting-penting jek.
second thing. erm.. pe yek? lupe dah i... oh, tonight ade alice nine channel (click
here to watch but please register before hand, onegaishimasu). dan beta, telah berjaya menambat hati ai chan untuk meminati alice nine. too bad she said gazetto wasn't her cup of tea but maybe i can slowly convert her to like gazetto. fufufufu~~ actually, memang i dah lupe ape yang i nak cakap. maybe lepas nih i ingat balek, i post lah.
oh, kat atas i tulis
music : screw radio kan? tu i dl dari link yang telah dibagi kepada i kat twitter. so thanks to the person yang mengupload the radio show tu. kat tengah-tengah radio show tu banyak beep. and paham-paham jek lah ye... three man, gathered... what else comes in mind, right? as far as i know, kazuki-kun and aoi-san tu memang agak horny sikit orang nye... o~kay~ maybe banyak... i don't know much about riuki so... yeah...
hmm.. there's lots more to tell but i had no idea how to say it here. see you guys in next post, ne!!
jya~~ mata ne!